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Welcome to my site

A Photographer from Darkroom to Digital (many years), I  was an instructor for 37. This website contains samples of my current activity.   My genres are: Portrait; Landscape; Macro, Product and lately: Wildlife Photography. Most of the images are edited in Photoshop since I have been teaching the software since version CS2. I use Photoshop for photography as well as for drawing and it has become my  creative medium. I like to hand paint over the images which evolves each work to my own personal creative style. Once upon a time, I would use every mechanical aspect of Photoshop to achieve the look! I have to be honest; today I use different plugins and create a recipe out of them to form a style. Ansel Adams would have done the same thing if he had Photoshop at hand. For specifically drawing and painting I use Clip Studio Paint and Sketchbook Pro. Everything is produced on my Wacom Tablet and a stylist.  I hope you like viewing my  art! Please note: You can use the Contact page on this site but the email won't reach me! However I can see the message on the WIX Site (Which I rarely go on).   You can simply use the email address given if you want. The rest of the information is taken from when I used this site as part of my Resume. No need to go further than here :)

The Shoot!


For the images on this website I used a Nikon P7100/P900 fixed lens in Manual Mode for when I travel and a Nikon D90/300s for general Photography and Studio work.  Camera equipment is expensive - no full frame camera for me! My NIkon D300s does a great job for my needs. I strongly believe in the creativity of the Artist to use whatever he or she has at means, with restrictions being part of the creative process. I use Photoshop and Lightroom to enhance my images as stated previously. My lighting setup is a simple 3-4 light which provide for a lot of creativity. I use Soft boxes and a Beauty Light which I setup at the clients location. I also use small flash remotely and am now moving to LED continuous lighting.


The Art:

 Because I have instructed art, every image you see on this website uses the rules of composition and light.  The very principles and elements used when I paint, draw and design. I follow the rules as I had preached them in Education.  I have taught art at the Dryden, Brantford and Hamilton Boards of Education. My Art Education comes from Ontario Collage of Art (now referred to as OCAD). I completed my Art schooling by making special arrangements with the Toronto Board of Education to condense my teaching day to 2:00pm and attend Art School from 3:00pm to 10:00pm daily as well as use the Summers. Following Art School, I left for two years to the States to obtain my Master of Architecture. My Art Teaching qualifications are from the University of Toronto where I qualified as a Senior Art Instructor. Even though I was working for an Architectural Firm and was out of teaching I decided to take my vacation time to attend the Senior Art qualification during the day while working from 4pm to 10pm at the  Architectural firm at night. Guess I knew Art and the classroom is where I belonged. My intent was to combine my Teaching with Architecture by obtaining a PHD and eventually teach in a University. To do so meant raising money so I could afford to attend MIT. Teaching paid better than the Architectural business and so I returned to the classroom. As fortune has it, I stayed and never looked back. Although in the Technology area, I taught my Graphics class as an Art form ( as it is!).  I was the Department Head for Arts and Technology for a considerable length of my Teaching Career. While in the United States, studying for my Master of Architecture, I had the opportunity to teach Art Anatomy at the University level. Returning to Canada as a qualified Architect I was able to utilized my Art skills as an illustrator and as a photographer in the business. However, I was only an Architect for two years. As a Teacher, I was part of the Ministry of Ontario's Writing Team for Communications Technology. My contribution was the Graphics and Video components. I designed and operated a Television studio. I did so for over 20 years. My program was a model for other high schools in Ontario and British Columbia  Many Board Officials as well as Educators passed through my classroom (including  education officials from Japan). My  Schools were award winning for their program simply because they were the first of their kind. I  also taught Animation; of which six of my students graduated from the program at Sheridan College and now work for major Animation Studios. In Halton, I pioneered the use of Autodesk Animator, one of the original Digital Animation Programs used for Television. After graduating in Computer Engineering (CCNA  at Centennial and York University); I ran a Cisco Regional Networking Academy on a volunteer basis; training instructors, Post Secondary and High School students. I never earned a single penny teaching Computer Engineering to students at night and during the Summers. Instead all of it went to buying costly Routers and Switches for my students to use. My School was allowed to be a Regional Academy along with Mohawk Collage (which was considered unusual) and I was allowed to train other Instructors. I ran  CISCO High School classes for 15 years, which as a result, I was awarded top Cisco Educator in Canada and became the Canadian High School representative for the Cisco Networking Advisory Council (a three year term that took place in San Jose California).   In my last 6 years of teaching, I taught full time Photography after qualifying as a photographer from Mohawk College.  Photography has become one of my  passions and is a great tool for travelling the World; which I have done and continue to do.  My Free hand drawing style is displayed on this site under Digital Art. I update the photography on this Website as I travel. I am no longer in business and am happily retired! But I do have clients (all friends in which I gladly work for free). Client's work are on hidden pages  and I only open to the clients themselves for their privacy. All work on this site is here for my own records and as I have mentioned, not for a business - to be honest, I very rarely pickup the camera or pencil the way I used to and do so only for my own enjoyment. I do not consider myself a Professional at anything - just a person who loves to learn and continues to do so because it makes me happy.

© 2016 All images property of Christopher D'Alves

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